4 Years Later, A Reminder
I know it doesn’t seem it… especially with all the corrections I need… but it has been 4 years! Came across a letter that I wrote to you about a year in and it all still applies.
By Hanna
I have been thinking about this for awhile. When burpees showed back up this session, I was reminded of how badly I sucked at them when I first started. And, even though my transformation isn’t as dramatic or obvious as others, I was reminded of how far I’ve come.
My story is different than most and the same as many. Ultimately, we are all on a journey and our paths are entwined. Our struggles and victories shared.
I lost my husband unexpectedly and suddenly about 1 1/2 years ago. I thought that I was coping okay. Clearly, my head was cloudy. I wasn’t coping in healthy ways at all. My very good friend and my daughter were already working out at A|M. They both were strongly encouraging me to join. I hedged for a couple of months when it just hit me that I had to get it together for me and for my kids who had just lost their dad.
The reason I say my story is different is that I didn’t come to A|M to lose weight. The reason I say that my story is the same is that I did come to A|M to change my body, my mind, and my spirit. I don’t have any transformation pictures… other than those in my head. Though, in the year that I have been at A|M, I have gained a solid ten pounds. I feel stronger and am inspired to keep getting stronger, physically, mentally and spiritually.
The encouragement that I get on a daily basis at A|M is enough to keep me coming back for the beatings.
I thank my coaches for being there every day with the right attitude and ability to inspire me to want to be better. I thank Andrea and Abby for getting me there. And, I thank the people who I work out with daily because they push me to work harder and I have never felt intimidated or judged at A|M.
My journey is far from over and I know that I am not always on the right path, but I at least feel like I know where the path is.
– Hanna