Does Your Lower Back Arch During An Overhead Press?
Overhead movement patterns are very common, not just in your “fitness” world, but in your “real” life as well. You may do a strict press or a push press in the hour that you spend here, but what happens after you leave? Do you ever reach for that high cabinet? Your favorite glass on the top shelf? If you work in construction, do you ever have to hammer anything overhead? If you work in retail or at a supermarket, do you ever have to stock the top shelf? If you work in food service, do you ever have to reach the spices sitting on top of the range? No matter who you are, there will forever and always be moments in your life that require your hand to be higher than your face. Are you prepared for this movement? We may do an overhead press in class, and we will definitely teach you how to do it correctly. Not just so we can make you stronger in class, but also so we can make you stronger and safer once you leave our watch.
One of the most common movement compensations that we will see within our hour with you is an arch in your back during an overhead press. This tells us many things. What we need to teach you is how to fix this movement compensation when it tells us that certain muscles are tight and others are underactive.
To find out how to inhibit and lengthen the tight muscles, and then activate the muscles that have become underactive due to this movement compensation, check out LeighAnn’s video!