Jamie’s Story

When I first came to A|M Fitness, it was for the 5-week trial.
I had been contemplating the gym for over a year before I actually signed up for an orientation. I decided to do it because my friend that was a current a member urged me to sign up. So I came in thinking that even if I hated it I would only be here for 5 weeks, and I wouldn’t be stuck in a long-term membership. I had previously tried so many others gyms and fitness groups, so I didn’t want to get my hopes up.
From the moment I came into orientation, I loved it.
I loved everything about it.
The trainers knew that I wouldn’t be able to do everything, and knew how to modify the exercises so I could work out safely. I was pumped to get started! It wasn’t easy, but I kind of knew it wouldn’t be. I worked my tail off every class. After the first 5 weeks, I hadn’t lost any weight and was feeling a bit discouraged until I noticed my clothes getting too big. I did not lose pounds, I lost inches. 8 inches to be exact! I was so excited. It works! It was something I enjoyed and got results with, so I had to join the gym!
I am now in the middle of my 3rd phase, and I am participating in the Summer Slimdown Challenge. I have already lost 22 lbs and 15 inches, but that’s not the most exciting part. The best part is seeing how my body has changed and how much stronger I am. Things that I was unable to do when I first started I’m now able to do with more weight. I no longer need as many modifications, there I am able to do more.
The trainers are fantastic motivators and supporters, they push me and every member to give their all.