My Mindbody Conference Experience
My Mindbody Conference Experience
By Michael Harland
This past weekend I went to the Mindbody Bold conference in San Diego. This is a conference held by our software company and it’s definitely one of the better ones I go to each year. Why? Because along with the technical learning seminars, their focus is also to celebrate being a small business owner and to get you energized to head back to your business and life. (It’s also set in an extremely beautiful place!)
This year was a little different. I took one of my staff members, Spencer, with me to 1. help her learn our software better and 2. to hopefully get her as excited as me about everything we do.
Something cool that I wasn’t expecting was to get recognized as a “Visionary”. It’s based on revenue and states that we’re in the top 30% of all 50,000 Mindbody clients. While exciting, I immediately asked what it would take to get into the top 20%. I was told that I would need to open more facilities since most people in that category are multi-unit operations (like Orangetheory).
On the technical side of things, I found a video platform that should simplify things for my staff. I also sat in on a great presentation hosted by Google which will help me personally to understand their platform a little better. I also was able to have a private consultation with a Mindbody consultant and have decided to work with her directly to understand our software capabilities a bit deeper.
My favorite part of this seminar is always the keynote speakers. Year after year some of the greatest people take the stage and really get us fired up for life. This year they had Michelle Obama and Billie Jean King! Two women that are fighting for health, wellness, equality, and so much more. It was a privilege to be able to listen to them and something I won’t soon forget.

See you soon #fitfam