
4 Ways To Track Results

4 Ways To Track Results

How are you gauging success with your New Year’s resolutions? We find most people determine their success or failure based on a number provided by a scale.

After years of assessing results and responses to our training program, I’ve learned that the data from the scale is (fairly) good information, but not the best way to measure results. So, when we’re working with a client and trying to measure results, we use multiple ways to track what’s happening.

1. Scale

We use the scale as a quick reference a couple of times a week. What we try and do with this is to identify trends and responses from training, nutrition, sleep, and stress. If the number is trending in the direction we want, great, we stick to the current plan of action.

At some point, our clients will notice the scale doesn’t move in the direction we want, so we will need to find another way to measure what’s happening before making adjustments to the plan.

Why? Because the scale only measures weight. There could be body composition changes that aren’t reflected in that number.

2. Circumference Measurements

These are an easy (and inexpensive) way to track progress. Before beginning a workout regimen, take a starting measurement.

We like to take measurements at mid-thigh, hip, waist, chest, and arm. From there, set times to measure again.

We like to do this at the end of each training cycle. It shows us if changes were made during that training cycle.

3. InBody Scan

I wanted to make sure we knew the whole story, so a couple of years ago we invested in an InBody body composition scanner. This gives us a complete breakdown of body composition, including things like visceral fat, Basal Metabolic Rate, total body water (inter and extracellular water), and then it charts this information every time we retest.

This is a great tool for when the scale stops moving. If I have a client that appears to have plateaued, I can run them through a scan and get the complete details. If they’ve dropped body fat percentage and increased lean body tissue, then the right things are happening even though the number on the scale doesn’t reflect that.

4. Photos

Another great (and inexpensive) way to track progress is by taking photos. Again, we would recommend that this coincides with the end of each training cycle. We always hear clients say how they feel their clothes are fitting better.

Well, the visual proof of a picture will let you know what’s really changing.

Make sure you’re getting all of the angles! When taking photos, find some good lighting and then take pictures from the front, back, and each side.


Tracking and understanding your progress is important. However, living and dying by the scale isn’t going to do you any good. It’s just one of many ways that you should be tracking your results and I hope that if you aren’t already doing the other things listed, you’ll begin them today.

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