Best Me Yet Results, Magdalena
Best Me Yet Results, Magdalena
By LeighAnn Clark.
Member: Magdalena Tokanewski.
Magdalena is a nursing student, and as she was making the decision whether or not to participate in our Best Me Yet program, as she was about to start her APRN classes. She was concerned that with such a busy schedule she would struggle to find time to attend her sessions and she was worried about her ability to stick to the meal plan during this time. She decided to go with her gut and joined up for the 10-week program!

Magdalena faced a few challenges here and there, a few too many cheats, temptations from her husband, Valentine’s Day plans and the like, but she stuck true to the meal plans and over the course of the 10 weeks she lost a little over 11 pounds! Proof positive that hard work and dedication pays off. She is also a great example of how hard it can be to stick to a meal plan when you have a family, but if you are dedicated to your goals you can accomplish anything you want.