Best Me Yet Results, Stacy
Best Me Yet Results, Stacy
By LeighAnn Clark.
Member: Stacy Charpentier
Stacy was hands down the biggest loser on the team! Her hard work and perseverance stood out next to many. She was one of the most dedicated participants, following very closely every single day, rarely falling off, picking herself back up if she fell off.

She hit very few speed bumps along the way, she had a business trip with a couple of meals out, felt the difference from eating off plan, and immediately got herself back on. When it was time for the next trip, she allowed herself one cheat meal but followed her plan the way she knew she was supposed to the rest of the time.

It’s amazing to see the progression in Stacy, because she didn’t just lose a bunch of weight for a challenge, she learned really good eating habits that she can carry with her for the rest of her life. She feels dedicated to continuing this program, she knows she will continue to see weight loss moving forward, and she will keep herself and her whole family healthy for a long time to come.