Best Me Yet Results, Mary Beth
Best Me Yet Results, Mary Beth
By LeighAnn Clark.
Member: Mary Beth Brubaker
While she didn’t lose the highest amount of weight, she was one of the highest losers. But that’s not what makes Mary Beth one of our best participants. Right before the challenge started, Mary Beth injured herself. She was ordered physical therapy and was unable to workout with us for the majority of the challenge. Even though she found herself pulled away from the gym, she was recovering from her injury and getting stronger at PT.

She lost about 9 lbs in the process. She is our typical client, a middle aged woman with kids, a family, and a job. Just by following her meal plan to T, and with much less physical activity that she had found herself performing previously, she was able to drop just as much if not more weight than many of her teammates in the challenge.

She is yet another one of our clients to prove that diet plays a huge part in weight loss, and a diet that is higher in calories and macro nutrients than the average person expects they need to lose weight.