How Did Danielle Do?
October 22, 2019
How Did Danielle Do?
By Mike Harland.
Well, that’s an easy answer… She did AMAZING!
Danielle was a long time member and had never participated in any of our Best Me Yet programs. This year she decided to join us and I was extremely proud of the effort she put into the program. She made big lifestyle changes, managed to still have cheat meals and fun when she needed it, and did extremely well with all of the direction she was given.
Over the course of 10 weeks, Danielle lost a total of 12.7 pounds and decreased her total body fat percentage by 2.2%. Perfect if you as me!
What I was really impressed with was how she continued after the program. Showing that her new habits really became her new lifestyle.
Congratulations, Danielle!

Posted in Transformations