
Do You Sit All Day? Try This Out!

Do you sit all day? Maybe your back hurts? Just know you need to open up that part of your body?


Here are 3 things that can help:


The Bretzel
The Bretzel is a great exercise for opening up the entire anterior chain. It’s also very easy to complete. The video will show you how to get into position. I would just like to point out that you should watch for a rounding back, make sure your breathing continues throughout the movement, and try not to force the shoulder towards the floor. As you exhale, simply allow your shoulder to head towards the floor and stop where it wants to. Continuing to practice this, along with other mobility moves/tools will help to increase your range of motion over time.



1/2 Kneeling Quad and Hip Flexor (with foot supported)
I like this because keeps tension without having to work it. Make sure that you fire (shorten) the glutes and move your body forward, lengthening out everything on the front side. I also like to add a reach in to get just a little more out of the stretch. One thing to look out for is reaching with your back and having too much of a curve in your lumbar spine.



Band Assisted Hip Extension
Another great one to help open up those hips and fight the shortened position they’ve been in from sitting all day. Very simple as well. Simply step into a monster band and then take a kneeling position on the floor. Get the band positioned under the glute and then sit tall. From here, squeeze the cheek and shift your weight forward. You should immediately feel the stretch.



Published on: Jun 13, 2017

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