$1.63 – Our Value Proposition
I just wrapped up a meeting with our staff. One of the topics was our new member experience and the value we provide.
By Mike Harland
The reality is, we’re trying to sell you something. That’s a given. What we try to focus on, though, is not the actual sale, but the experience up until we ask for the sale.
You see, we don’t talk about pricing, commitment, or anything else money-related until a person has reached their 3rd-week training with us. Why? Because our focus is on these areas:
1. Creating, implementing, and sticking with new exercise habits – one of the biggest things we can do is help someone create a routine that is manageable, fun, and lets them look forward to each upcoming session. Through anyone’s trial, we will check in multiple times and make sure they are sticking with the commitment they wanted to make. We know what this commitment is because we ask the question on our new member questionnaire. We will also ask, multiple times, if there is anything we can do to make someone’s experience better.
2. Educating and helping with nutritional guidance and meal plans – we will actually sit down and help you write out your meal plans. We have a day-1 email that has links to our nutritional system that simplifies what it is a person needs to eat, healthy options to consider while writing out your meal plans, actual paper to sit and write your plans out with, and a follow up email asking if we can help further with the information we send.
3. Being there before and after your training session – our staff is required to be on the fitness floor interacting with our clients (new and old) any time there is a client in our facility. We teach you how to stretch, give you corrective strategies for injuries, give you advice on how to improve other areas of your fitness, talk about what’s going on in your life (because relationship building is one of the most important things we can work on), and so much more.
We want to show a person why we are the right choice for them. Want to know how much that costs to find out? The average cost of a training session when someone does a trial with us is $1.63. That’s less than coffee. That’s less than gas. That’s less than a meal out. That’s less than almost anything you do on a daily basis. Know what else it is? It’s one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself.
What if I said I could give you more value than any other program in Connecticut for only $3.30 a training session? Here’s what you’d get:
~ 5 weeks of unlimited training sessions, with a coach for every single session.
~ Complete, done-for-you meal plans with 3 phases of caloric guidelines, simplified and structured by probably the best dietitian in the state.
~ Nutrition seminars with the dietitian to understand exactly what the information means and how to work the program. He will also answer ANY nutrition-related questions you may have at these workshops.
~ Medical grade body composition scanning. You see, we have a piece of equipment that most companies simply can’t afford. It’s called the INBODY 570 and is one of the best body composition machines on the market. It will tell you exactly what you’re made of – fat/muscle/water – and we will check this 3 times to see exactly how your body is changing.
~ Along with this we have things like a private Facebook group and group outings to help with community and relationship building as well.
So when you’re ready, I’d love to have the opportunity to show you why we are a great option for your fitness goals. For now, check out the link to see the full list of what comes with this offer: