Busy Guy, Big Changes
Busy Guy, Big Changes
By Michael Harland
I would say that this New Britain resident, business owner, husband, and father has a lot on his plate. Juggling everything and not being extremely tired and stressed is another job in and of itself, right?
Well, Adam decided to make his health a priority and started training with us. He made some big changes to his health and wellness, joined our Large Group Training program and also started using meal plans we provided him. Along with this, he checked in with me 3x weekly and within 5 weeks he saw major changes.
In that first 5 week period, Adam lost 11.3 pounds, dropped his total body fat percentage and his total body water weight! We’re so glad both he and his wife decided to make the journey to Plainville and train with us. He now works with Coach LeighAnn and participates in both private sessions, as well as our Large Group Program on the other days.
Congratulations, Adam!