
Health & Fitness Videos

Activation for Relief

Yes, your coaches practice what they preach. There are many ways to fix dysfunction. The solution depends on many factors, and in some instances, activation is the correct solution. To see how Coach LeighAnn uses activation to alleviate pain, check out her video!

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Strength Gains, What It Really Takes

Its all about those gains, right?!? Well, strength gains don’t always come the way you expect. Check out the video to learn more about true gains and what it really takes to get them!

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The 3 Biggest Lies

You have been going to the gym, consistently but things are moving as fast or in the direction you want. Is it the workout (not likely), is it the nutrition (possibly), or is it the way you approach your entire fitness experience? Get your mindset right and your whole experience changes. Check out the video…

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Activation for Healthy Shoulders

Do you experience pain or lack of mobility in your shoulders? If you do, activation could be the answer to cleaning that up. Check out LeighAnn’s video on how to achieve pain-free and more mobile shoulders!

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Importance of Eccentric

We often say that the eccentric part of the exercise can be used to make an exercise harder, or we mention that is a very important part of the exercise, but do you really understand what that means? Watch my video to better understand what part of the exercise is the eccentric and just what…

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Exercise of the Week – Box Jumps

Each week we are going to bring you exercises found in our current training programs. Here Coach Greg takes us through an exercise found in our current Small Group Training program.

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