Tips & Tricks
Think? About Your Deadlift
Think? About Your Deadlift By Greg Hammons Deadlifting if a major part of our program. You have heard your coaches harp on the form a thousand times, hips back, backs flat, core tight, but are you engaging your thought process the right way? Check out the video to find out a new way to think…
Read MoreWhat’s Your Foot Type?
What’s Your Foot Type? By LeighAnn Clark To determine what type of foot you have, and therefore what course of action you should take, take a picture or a video of yourself at ground level or have someone take a picture for you. If you see that the arch of the foot is collapsed, you…
Read MoreDorsiflexion For A Better Squat
Dorsiflexion For A Better Squat By Greg Hammons Looking to improve your squat? Don’t forget to look down! Squats start from the floor up, so making sure we have enough dorsiflexion is key to developing a great squat. Be sure to check out Coach Greg’s video on how to help improve your ankle mobility! …
Read MoreConscious Walking
Conscious Walking By LeighAnn Clark The foot is a very complex, important structure. It is our foundation. It is our only point of contact with the ground. If something is wrong at our foundation, everything above it is affected. As a house will crumble if it’s foundation is comprised, so will our bodies. The bottom…
Read MoreCreating Your Center of Stability
Creating Your Center of Stability (Blog 3 of 3) By LeighAnn Clark The next step after learning how to activate our pelvic floor and then learning how to activate short foot to create stability with our foot instead of our bigger muscles, we can learn how to integrate these steps to create even more stability…
Read MoreShort Foot Activation
Short Foot Activation (Blog 2 of 3) By LeighAnn Clark We live in a society where shoes are accepted as a natural part of life. We weren’t born with shoes on our feet, we didn’t learn to walk by taking the floor away from our foot. And yet, we have learned that in order to…
Read MorePelvic Floor Activation
Pelvic Floor Activation (Blog 1 of 3) By LeighAnn Clark Your pelvic floor is your center of gravity, and therefore your center of stability. Without it, we are not using our maximum potential in anything that we do. Creating that strength will make us stronger when we squat, when we run, when we live our…
Read MoreCore Activation For Hip Mobility
Core Activation For Hip Mobility By LeighAnn Clark How often do you work on hip mobility? How many times have you come into a squat and said “I really need to stretch my hips?” It is commonly believed that lack of mobility in the hips is caused by tightness in the hip musculature. The widely…
Read MoreStretch And Strengthen To Better Posture
Stretch And Strengthen To Better Posture By Greg Hammons If you spend most your day at a desk then your posture may be impeding your progress!! Check out the 4 part video and find 4 exercises that can help fix your posture and help you crush goals! Part 1 – Thoracic Rounding Part 2 –…
Read MoreDoes Your Lower Back Arch When You Press Overhead?
Does Your Lower Back Arch When You Press Overhead? By LeighAnn Clark Overhead movement patterns are very common, not just in your “fitness” world, but in your “real” life as well. You may do a strict press or a push press in the hour that you spend here, but what happens after you leave? Do…
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