Tips & Tricks
Active Core
Whether you’re in the gym swinging a kettlebell or at home picking up your children, the ability to activate your core muscles, like your abs, will determine how well you can perform the task at hand, and how well you move the next day. By LeighAnn Clark All too often, we forget this piece; but…
Read MoreDynamic Warm-up Tips
Today Coach Greg discusses a few important things to remember during the warm-up process. By Greg Hammons Check out the video for key points on how to avoid injuring yourself, tightening the muscles further, and getting more out of the warm-up in general. Dynamic Warm-up Tips
Read MoreBest Exercise Your Young Athletes Aren’t Doing
Do you have a child or children currently enrolled in a sports program or activity? By Greg Hammons Today Coach Greg takes us through an easy to do exercise, along with progressions for your young athlete! Best Exercise Your Young Althetes Aren’t Doing
Read MoreElbow Pain / Forearm Fix
More often than not, when someone experiences elbow pain, this is actually a symptom of a different problem. By LeighAnn Clark This doesn’t apply to everyone, some people truly have functional problems at the elbow, but the majority of us who move every day will experience elbow pain for a different reason. That reason is…
Read MoreKettlebell Intensity
Kettlebells are great metabolic tools, but when trying to increase the challenge of our swings its not always about weight, especially in a timed workout. By Greg Hammons To really get the most out of a given load with swings you should be able to control the intensity of the swing. Meaning being able to…
Read MoreShoulder IR
Shoulder Internal Rotation (IR) is a key piece of mobility that a lot of us are missing but we don’t necessarily know it. By LeighAnn Clark If you aren’t sure whether your IR is lacking, test out the S mobility drill and check out the range of motion in your bottom arm. The goal is…
Read MoreBreathing Hack Part 1
One of the biggest struggles we see with our clients is their recovery time. By Mike Harland We tend to have a great difficulty catching our breath and one of the reasons is that we simply aren’t breathing right. We have a very shallow breath and it’s usually taken at a very rapid pace. Since…
Read MoreDesk Hack 2
Working at a desk all day long can take a toll on many parts of our body. By LeighAnn Clark The shoulders are one such place that get hit the hardest. Most of us know that we don’t sit in a good position when we are at our desk all day, but we don’t always…
Read MoreAnkle Mobility
We talk a lot about improving hip mobility but sometimes we don’t think about how important the ankles are. By LeighAnn Clark Squats are one of our most used and most important movement patterns. Building mobility in our ankles will help us to improve our range of motion in our squats so we can squat…
Read MoreKettlebell Swings
Kettlebell swings are a great exercise for power development, along with increasing your metabolic rate, when they are done correctly. By Greg Hammons Most people have jobs now that require being seated for long periods of time which has a whole list of problems, one of them being “gluteal amnesia” or simply put, we forget…
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